EF Cycling and Wahoo Fitness

Wahoo All Access

Introducing All Access EF Girona - Your ultimate team training camp! With a Wahoo X Free Trial or membership you can access our all new content channel All Access on Wahoo SYSTM.

Get ready for the season with EF Pro Cycling - set in the stunning landscape of Girona, this workout series takes you behind the scenes to discover what life is really like on a team training camp with exclusive interviews from the riders, the team directors and the support staff.

Ride with Team EF
Ride with Team EF


As the official hardware and training software supplier for EF Education–EasyPost and EF Education-Cannondale, Wahoo provides both teams with the tools they need to continue to energize the sport and challenge the status quo.

Home trainer KICKR

Wahoo X

"Yeah, it's great. You can take workouts from Wahoo SYSTM upload them onto your ELEMNT, and then complete the workout outside, like you have a coach with you the whole time."

- EF Education-Cannondale Rider

Wahoo X Training system


« La Speedplay est une pédale exceptionnelle, comme aucune autre pédale de route. Dotée de caractéristiques uniques, parmi lesquelles sa faible hauteur de cadre, son design aérodynamique et son poids réduit, elle se démarque d’une pédale de route traditionnelle. Especially the low weight is something that I really appreciate when racing where every gram counts."

- EF Education-Easypost Rider

Pédales speedplay


"It's fun using the Wahoo computer when the summit segment pops up, you know, when you're starting to climb, how far it is to the top, estimated time to the top. It's a great training tool."

- EF Education-Cannondale Rider

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